All reviews of Velda

  • Review about: Outschool

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    Would buy here again

    Online learning platform feedback

    The online learning platform is just fantastic for students! It's so convenient and the teaching style really keeps you engaged and learning. But, it would be even better if students could have the flexibility to customize their schedule and skip a class when necessary. And having a contact person available on the dashboard for any questions or concerns would make the whole experience even better.

  • Review about: eToro

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    Would buy here again

    Financial portfolio performance review

    As a customer at eToro, I had a call set up with my account manager to chat about how my investments were doing and get some updates on what's happening in the big picture of the economy. The guy I talked to, Mr. Abdul Muti, really knew his stuff and gave me some solid advice to think about. It's nice to see that eToro has a team that is so helpful and dedicated to helping me reach my financial goals. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with the level of service and knowledge that eToro and Abdul Muti's crew bring to the table.

  • Review about: Gunny Sack and Co

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    Would buy here again

    Holiday party dress

    As soon as I hit the "checkout" button, things went south fast. The ordering process was a mess - slow pages, items vanishing from my cart. Finally got my order in, only to find out two days later it was out of stock. Come on, keep your stock updated! Customer service was useless, unhelpful and rude. Plus, the prices were way too high for the low quality. Might as well shop at a thrift store. And delivery? A week late with no explanation or sorry. Overall, a total nightmare. I'm never going back there again.

  • Review about: TM Lewin

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    Would buy here again

    Slim fit shirt

    I used to really like how this brand moved from having a store to selling stuff online. But my latest experience wasn't as great. The shirt I bought was good quality, but the service was not so great. They used to trim shirt sleeves for you, but they don't do that anymore. And they mostly cater to people who like slim fit clothes, which is a bummer for me since I like regular sizes. The quality is still okay, but the service and choices aren't as good as they used to be.

  • Review about: Hubble

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    Would buy here again

    Streaming device purchase

    The streaming device seemed like a good idea, but it didn't live up to its potential when I actually tried using it. I quickly realized it didn't have some important apps like Stan and Prime that I really like to use. And on top of that, the device itself wasn't very reliable - I kept running into network problems and the video would stop to buffer a lot. The Kayo app that came with it was especially frustrating because it kept crashing and freezing up. I've never had those kind of issues with my Apple TV or Fetch box.

  • Review about: NetReputation

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    Would buy here again

    Negative content removal

    I got sick of always being judged for my past mistakes, ya know? So I decided to give this company a shot. Man, let me tell you, these guys really know their stuff. They worked their butts off to push all that negative stuff about my arrest record down in the search results. Running a small business, it was super important for me to keep a good online rep, and these guys helped me do just that. Their help has made a huge difference in both my personal and business life.

  • Review about: SilverSingles

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    Would buy here again

    Three-month subscription

    My three-month subscription experience was pretty disappointing. Most "matches" I got weren't even paying members, so trying to talk to them was a waste of time. Plus, a lot of the other profiles turned out to be fake, making me doubt if this service is legit. It was just really frustrating trying to find a real connection.<br><br>Even though they responded quickly when I reported fake profiles, I was still disappointed by the lack of photo requirements and the fact that some profiles didn't match what I was looking for. The recommendations they gave me were often outside of my preferred age range, so browsing through them was just a waste of time.<br><br>Overall, they really need to make some big changes to improve the service and make it better for users. Right now, I wouldn't recommend investing in this dating platform to anyone.

  • Review about: So Clean

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    Would buy here again

    Equipment for cleaning purposes

    I just bought some cleaning equipment from this company, and I have to say, I was really impressed with the customer service rep I talked to. Ordering was super easy, especially if you know what you want. The rep was not only nice but also really helpful in giving me all the info I needed to make a good choice. They made me feel confident that I was getting the right product for what I needed. Overall, I'm really happy with this company's service and would definitely recommend them to others.

  • Review about: Arhaus

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    Would buy here again

    Ottoman purchase with expensive shipping

    I was really bummed out about my recent dealings with this company. Like, three years back, I dropped a bunch of cash on some furniture for my new place, you know? And now, when I wanted to get this $699 ottoman, they hit me with a whopping $299 shipping charge. I thought that was totally unfair and really pricey. I tried talking to the store and even the big shots at corporate, but they just told me that it's their new rule and there's nothing they can do about it. Such a bummer.

  • Review about: Maverick & Co.

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    Would buy here again

    Leather briefcase purchase

    I bought this leather briefcase from the company and it turned out to be a really nice bag. However, after just two months, I had some trouble with the strap. So, I decided to contact their customer service team and was pleasantly surprised by how quickly and efficiently they responded. They offered to send me a new strap right away, which I was grateful for. Their effort to fix the problem made me feel happy with the customer service overall. If you're thinking about getting a bag from this company, I suggest ordering straight from their website for the best customer service.

  • Review about: Shoemall

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    Would buy here again


    I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed with my latest buy from Shoemall. Ordering wasn't too complicated, but the service was definitely lacking. Prices were alright, nothing too special. But man, the delivery took forever! And when I tried to get some help from customer service, they just gave me the runaround with conflicting info. All in all, not a great experience. I won't be going back to Shoemall anytime soon.