Our business model

US-Reviews is a premier platform where users and businesses freely share authentic feedback and experiences to help others make informed decisions.

More about US-Reviews

US-Reviews sustains transparency and independence by monetizing specific features for businesses, focusing on marketing and visibility.

Authentic and Honest Reviews

At Reviews International, our mission is to create a trustworthy space for genuine reviews, protecting users from manipulated feedback. How can we shop safely otherwise?

US-Reviews ensures reviews from reliable individuals who inform and warn others about their experiences. The feedback, whether positive or negative, is a true reflection of the business's actions. Isn't that fair?

A Fair and Innovative Review System

Our system combines Democracy and Meritocracy principles.

  • Democracy: Users freely share opinions about companies, with full accessibility and no barriers. Verified feedback determines the worth of brands, services, or products. Business owners can respond to feedback to address misunderstandings.

  • Meritocracy: Businesses are rewarded or penalized based on their actions, judged by previous customers who commend or warn others about these practices.

We aim to promote this model globally, breaking cultural and language barriers to create a safer, more honest marketplace.

A Completely Free Service

Our platform is free for all users, fostering a united community against companies exploiting internet users' lack of knowledge.

Our Affiliate System

US-Reviews generates revenue through an affiliate service with select companies, avoiding advertisements to maintain a distraction-free community. We invite potential affiliates who share our values to collaborate with us.

Have More Questions?

Contact us to learn more about our objectives and commitments. Visit our press and publications section for additional information.