My review received a verification request

Companies you've reviewed might reach out to you if they think you're referring to a different business or violating US-Reviews' guidelines.

Why Would a Company Contact Me?

Contacting a review author is a routine step for companies handling problematic reviews. They might reach out for several reasons:

Unrecognized as a Customer:

  • Sometimes, companies need more information if they cannot identify you as their customer. Requesting additional details allows them to quickly determine, understand, and address any issues.

Review Appears Misplaced:

  • If your review seems to be posted on the wrong company profile, the company might ask if you intended to review their business specifically.

Violation of Guidelines:

  • Reviews should not include confidential or personal information. If a company believes your review contains such content, they may request its removal.

Eligibility Concerns:

  • If a company suspects your review doesn't meet US-Reviews' publishing criteria, they may ask for more information to verify your experience.

This guide explains why and under what circumstances a company might contact you about your review, aiming to ensure transparency and effectively address any concerns.

How Does It Work?

You'll get a message from the company at the email address linked to your account. It's your choice how to respond. We allow one week to address the issue.

What Happens If I Disagree With the Request or Don't Respond?

If you disagree with the company's request, choose not to respond, or don't provide sufficient information, your review will likely be removed after a final review by our team.

This process ensures that both parties have a fair chance to address any concerns regarding the content of a review, maintaining the platform's integrity.