Jobscan Reviews

: 22

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Jobscan Resume Tailoring
Looking for a new job is like having a second job. It can tire you out, especially when you have ...Read on

Review with most votes

Super comfortable and cool
My brother buys his shoes from here and on my birthday , he gifted one for me. I actually loved h...Read on
Tracy Roy

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Resume optimization and interview prep

    Jobscan has really changed the game for me during my job hunt. It helps me customize my resume fast and effectively, making sure it's a perfect match for the job I want. The feedback I get from Jobscan is super informative, showing me exactly what skills and qualifications employers want. It's been so helpful in getting ready for interviews because now I know exactly what to highlight. I've used Jobscan's tips to create STAR examples that have made a big difference in my behavioral interviews.

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    Would buy here again

    Job search success

    The free version of Jobscan definitely gave me a little boost, but it wasn't until I splurged on the paid version that I started seeing some real progress. Getting laid off right before Christmas was super rough, but Jobscan really came through for me by scoring me some interviews and boosting my presence on LinkedIn. After using the paid features for a couple of months, I managed to snag a new job and I'm absolutely thrilled about it!

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    Would buy here again

    Improved job search success

    Jobscan really helped me out a lot during my job search. I was having a tough time getting interviews for about two months, but once I started using Jobscan to customize my resume for each job, things turned around fast. In just two weeks, I had conversations going with six different companies, got two job offers, and ended up accepting a position at an awesome company. I definitely suggest checking out Jobscan to step up your job application game!

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