DoorDash Reviews

: 21

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14% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Back pain relief
I woke up this morning with terrible back pain and noticed I was out of pain relief meds. Since I...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Fast food delivery
Ordering from DoorDash was such a disaster! The app kept acting up, the menu options were serious...Read on
S. Ernser

Review with most votes

All time great services, quick
Doordash deliveries are always on-time and trustworthy to be fulfilling. I had my fillings on a r...Read on
John Mccaughney

Reviews (21)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Lost order charge

    So I ordered some food from this restaurant that uses a third-party delivery service for their online orders. When I got to the restaurant to pick up my order, they told me they had no record of it and asked me to order again. I wasn't too happy about it, but I went ahead and paid for my food a second time. Later on, when I checked my credit card bill, I saw a charge from the delivery service. I had no idea they were part of the deal. Turns out, that charge was actually for the original order that the restaurant said didn't exist. I didn't have any proof of the mix-up, just the word of the cashier. I tried to explain all this to my credit card company, but the delivery service showed them the original order as proof, so Discover went with them and kept the charge on my bill. It was really frustrating to think I was only dealing with the restaurant, then find out later that this other party was thrown in without me knowing.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Missing food refund

    I had a pretty frustrating experience recently. I ordered something, but it didn't come in my package. When I reached out to customer service, they wouldn't give me a refund. It left me feeling pretty disappointed and annoyed. Now I'm not sure if I want to use their service again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Incorrect order, poor customer service

    I had a bad experience with my DoorDash order. I gave clear instructions but still got wrong items and missed items. When I tried to contact customer service for help, they didn't do much to assist. The person delivering my order didn't speak English well, which caused problems and mistakes. Even basic requests like condiments or napkins were ignored. The lack of attention and communication was frustrating and made me feel like I wasted my money on a disappointing meal.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Missing Dish Incident

    My recent experience with the delivery service was pretty disappointing. I ordered food for my family, but sadly, one dish was missing when the delivery came. This meant one family member had nothing to eat. I tried getting in touch with customer service on their website right away to ask for a new delivery of the missing dish, but I was pretty upset when they only offered me a credit that was less than what I paid for the missing item. I wasn't okay with that - I just wanted a refund in cash for the missing food, not a credit for future orders that might never even come through. The company's solution left me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Order issue and customer service experience

    I had such a frustrating experience trying to order on this platform! I thought I was getting something I wanted, but turns out it wasn't even available, and they still charged me for it. It took forever to get my money back - like 3-5 business days! And they didn't even offer me anything extra for the hassle. When I tried to cancel my account because of all this mess, the live chat guy just said thanks and closed the chat. Like, what? That's no way to treat a customer. Pretty disappointing for a service I used to trust.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bag of ice

    Man, this company is awful. I ordered a $3 bag of dry ice and they sent me a regular bag of ice instead! I paid $14 for that nonsense. I tried to contact the driver and DoorDash but they just brushed me off, like seriously? And to top it off, they even added a $2 tip. Such a scam, never using them again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Recent multiple orders

    I just wanted to share that I placed a few orders through this service, but I only got one of them delivered. The other two either got canceled or never arrived because the Dasher didn't show up. I was pretty bummed about the whole thing because I was hoping for better service from a big name like that. And to top it off, they didn't offer any compensation or credits to make things right. It's important to me as a customer to feel like they care about me, especially when things go wrong.

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