Gobble Reviews

: 22

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Meal subscription
I just started using this meal delivery service, and let me tell ya, the food is so darn tasty! T...Read on

Review with most votes

Interesting ..Very interesting
Just came to know from my one friend about Gobble .I believe this is something like noble profess...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Tasty food, quick meals, organic produce

    Wow, I just have to say - Gobble seriously has the best food ever! It's honestly way better than any takeout spot around here. The best part is how quick and easy the meals are to make, and that's perfect for me since I'm always starving. And guess what? Sometimes they even include organic produce, which is really awesome. I can't help it, I'm totally obsessed with Gobble!

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    Would buy here again

    Variety of recipes and new ingredients

    I really enjoyed trying out all the different recipes and interesting ingredients from this meal delivery service. It was a refreshing break from the usual chicken, potatoes, and veggies that you get with other meal plans. Gobble definitely sets itself apart with its creative flavors and unique combinations.

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    Would buy here again

    Meatless meals with missing ingredients

    I've been ordering from the meatless meal service for a while now and have tried out a bunch of different dishes from all kinds of cuisines. But, gotta be honest, sometimes there have been some missing or not-so-great ingredients. Like the other day, I got a pasta dish and realized that they forgot the red pepper spice, the oregano was all moldy, and one of the tomatoes was even rotten! Pretty disappointing stuff, you know? Quality control seems to be slippin', and it really affects how enjoyable the meal is. Hoping they can fix this up quick to make sure things stay consistent and keep the customers happy.

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