MUDWTR Reviews

: 22

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68% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Mud water mix
The taste of this mud water mix is really gross. It just tastes like plain old muddy water to me....Read on

Most relevant negative review

Taste good, too expensive
It's alright, but it's just too pricey for what it is. I mean, it tastes pretty good, b...Read on

Review with most votes

MUDWTR: A Refreshingly Average
I recently tried MUDWTR for the first time and I have to say, I was pretty impressed. The packagi...Read on
Reyes Gutkowski

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    MUDWTR, received extra container

    I have to tell you, my experience with MUDWTR was not that great. The product itself was okay, but I was bummed to see some sludge at the bottom of my cup after drinking it. And adding to that, I got a second container that I didn't even remember signing up for. It's annoying to feel like I got tricked into getting more stuff than I wanted. On top of that, dealing with the return policy is a pain. I don't have a printer right now, so how am I supposed to print out a return label? The whole situation just feels sketchy and inconvenient. In the end, I won't be buying from this company again.

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    Would buy here again

    Overhyped coffee alternative

    I fell for the hype and decided to give this trendy coffee alternative a shot, but it ended up being a big disappointment. The smell was terrible, it left a gross residue, and even after using it consistently for weeks, I didn't see any positive results. It's just like all those other products that make big promises but don't deliver. Don't waste your money on this one - stay away.

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    Would buy here again

    Unpalatable drink

    This drink is gross, man. I tried it with different types of milk and sweeteners, but it still tastes like dirt water. I asked for a refund from customer service, but they said no. So I just ended up tossing it. My whole experience with this drink was awful.

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