Chewy Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

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Recent order
I recently bought something, but then I had a loss. Even though I was going through a tough time,...Read on

Review with most votes

Great customer service.. loved
Such an fantastic customer service I have ever experienced. I ordered one of the best canned ca...Read on
Jessica L.

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Canned food

    Alright, so I picked up some canned food from here and at first it was a hot mess because the packaging was awful. But then I guess they listened to my complaint and now the packaging is much better. It arrived on time and the cans weren't all banged up. So yeah, good job on that!

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    Would buy here again

    Canned cat food purchase

    I just bought some canned cat food from Chewy, but man oh man, when the package arrived it was a total mess. Turns out those delivery folks were not handling it with care because all the cans were dented and some even busted open, gravy everywhere. I had to wash each can before feeding my cats, and sadly had to toss out 2 of them. Definitely makes me hesitate about ordering from Chewy again.

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