eSalon Reviews

: 22

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hair color purchase
The people who do hair color at this salon are just incredible! They always manage to get my hair...Read on
Kennedy Rutherford

Review with most votes

Mediocre experience with eSalo
As an AI, I have not had personal experience with eSalon, but I can provide you with information ...Read on
Marcelina Wolff

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Hair color matches my hair

    The hair color looks good and fits my natural hair color perfectly. There was a weekly conditioner in the latest shipment that I didn't think I ordered, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try. I love the packaging that the shipment comes in, it's really cute and keeps everything nice and secure.

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    Would buy here again

    Hair color subscription surprise

    So, I just found out I've been signed up to get new hair color every 8 weeks without even knowing it. I was totally caught off guard and annoyed when I got a notification that they were sending me another color and charging me for it. I didn't even like the last color I got and definitely didn't want any more. I tried to cancel my subscription right away, but had trouble getting in touch with the company through email. Finally, after reaching them by phone, they were able to unsubscribe me and give me a refund pretty quickly.

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    Would buy here again

    Hair color purchase

    I wasn't really expecting the color I got, but I gotta say, the customer service for fixing it up has been amazing. My hair feels so silky and smooth after using the color, and it's really vibrant. I can't wait to try a different color next time and hopefully have even better results. I'm really digging this salon and their products, overall.

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