Seville Classics Reviews

: 21

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48% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Excellent quality product
I recently bought this product that ended up being amazing! It surpassed my expectations, that�...Read on
Philip Koss

Most relevant negative review

Worthless tower fan
I bought this tower fan and it was working great for like a year and a half, but then out of nowh...Read on

Review with most votes

Airlift 360 clamp-on adjustab
Product description states that a desktop of 32" is required. The clamps on each side exte...Read on
David Wickeham

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Tower fan purchase

    I bought a tower fan recently, but it turned out to be defective. Unfortunately, the buttons stopped working right after the return period for Amazon was over. So, I had to reach out to their customer service because of the one-year warranty. The whole process was a nightmare. I mean, they actually asked me to cut the power cord of the fan and take a photo of it as proof to get a replacement. Seriously? Who does that? I had already sent a video to show the issue, but apparently, that wasn't good enough for them. It was unbelievable that I had to destroy the product just to get a new one and be without a fan for almost two weeks during the summer. It was absolutely ridiculous and so inconvenient.

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    Would buy here again

    Storage shelves

    I just bought some storage shelves from this company, and I gotta say, I had a pretty bad experience with their customer service. The shelves I ordered were supposed to be "IN STOCK," but they didn't even ship out for two whole weeks. When I reached out to ask about the delay, the customer service folks were not helpful at all and honestly, kinda rude. They didn't even say sorry. They blamed the delay on stuff like the shipping company, which felt like they were just trying to pass the buck instead of owning up to their mistakes. That kind of service is just not okay, and it really doesn't make the company look good. I definitely won't be buying anything else from them in the future.

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