AppSumo Reviews

: 24

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88% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

App purchases
I've been buying some apps lately and ran into a problem with one of them. The customer serv...Read on
C. Russel

Review with most votes

Its wonderful
for anyone who is not willing to spend money on buying software. i will recommend you this. its n...Read on
Florance Garner

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Great deals for my business

    I've come across some great deals at really good prices that have really helped my business out. If a product doesn't meet my expectations or isn't the right fit, getting a refund is easy and simple. AppSumo is always my go-to for tech solutions for my business.

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    Would buy here again

    Lifetime offers on productivity software

    The AppSumo CX Team has really stepped up their game when it comes to solving problems, branding, and taking care of customers. I've always gotten quick and thorough responses that have fixed any issues I was facing. They have a unique way of doing things that is true to AppSumo's style, giving me exactly what I need when I'm checking out lifetime deals on productivity tools.

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    Would buy here again

    Lifetime deal purchase.

    I bought this product that had a lifetime deal, but I noticed that I wasn't getting all the stuff they said I would. So I contacted customer service about it, and they told me that they couldn't fix it because the seller wasn't responding.

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    Would buy here again

    Lifetime pricing option

    As a small business owner, it's super important for us to find affordable ways to keep things running smoothly. That's why I'm really grateful for the chance to try out essential apps with a lifetime pricing plan. It gives us the tools we need without draining our wallet, which is a huge help as we work on expanding and thriving over time. I just wanted to say thank you for offering this awesome opportunity!

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    Would buy here again

    Awesome deals

    AppSumo is awesome, I've purchased around 10 or 15 softwares and they all work really well. I needed a refund once and it was no problem at all. Also, their support team is fantastic. Way to go, AppSumo!

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