Flora2000 Reviews

: 22

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82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Mother's Day bouquet for
I bought a big bunch of flowers for Mother's Day and had them sent to my Mom overseas. Even ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Cherry blossom arrangement
I'm really upset about the cherry blossom arrangement I got. The picture online looked so pr...Read on
Hayley Champlin

Review with most votes

Pretty flowers!
Flora2000 is the best floral collections website i know! they have so many options in flowers. ...Read on
Nancy Thomas

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    International flower delivery

    I just wanted to give a huge shoutout to this company for coming through in the clutch with their flower delivery service across borders! I’m over here in the UK and had to send some blooms to my sister in Italy, and let me tell you, they made it all a breeze. My sister was over the moon with the flowers and it truly made her day. The website was super easy to use, the company was top-notch, and you can bet I’ll be coming back for more in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Cake order to another country

    I recently ordered a cake to be sent to my friend in another country. Everything was going well until the company started doubting my order, even though my bank had already OK'd the payment. After sorting that out, they said the cake would be delivered, but then I got an email saying it couldn't be sent because of where my friend lives. Now I'm just waiting to see if I'll get my money back.

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    Would buy here again

    Easter flower arrangement with a mix of colors

    Even though I asked for "all white" flowers for Easter, I found a few red ones in the bouquet. But overall, it was still a gorgeous arrangement, full of fresh flowers. Every time I send bouquets to Thessaloniki, the recipients are always amazed at how beautiful the flowers are.

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