Honor Society Reviews

: 22

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91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

NSCS membership
Being a part of this organization has been amazing. Even though I'm a busy college student, ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Order never received
I am so frustrated with this company! I ordered something and made sure my address was correct, b...Read on
P. Stokes

Review with most votes

Honor Society: A decent experi
As a member of Honor Society, I have had a mostly positive experience with the company. While I c...Read on
Cody Borer

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Best service ever

    This service is seriously the best I've ever come across. From the minute I made my order to the super quick delivery, everything was amazing. The packaging was top-notch too. I would definitely recommend this to anyone in need of awesome service.

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    Would buy here again

    Scholarship application and fee

    At first, I wasn't sure about signing up for the website and shelling out the cash for the scholarship application. But then, when a rep got in touch and told me I won a scholarship, I had a total change of heart. It was such a nice surprise to get a box of goodies, and the fact that they're helping me out with my law school costs has me feeling super thankful.

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    Would buy here again

    Grad Pack + Deluxe Member Pack with missing items

    I just bought the Grad Pack + Deluxe Member Pack and couldn't wait to get it. But, when I opened it up, I was bummed out because my Keychain and Driver License Plate were missing. It's frustrating to pay for something and not get everything you were supposed to. I really hope they can send me the missing items soon so I can really enjoy what I bought. The stuff I did get was pretty good quality overall, but the missing items definitely put a damper on things.

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