Lucktastic Reviews

: 21

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71% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Home improvement services
I just hired a great team of professionals for a home improvement project and I have to say, I am...Read on
Howard Predovic

Most relevant negative review

Online search engine experienc
My experience with this online search engine was really disappointing. The search results seemed ...Read on
Louie Keebler

Review with most votes

Furniture shopping experience
I recently went to the store to find furniture for my new apartment and had the chance to meet Mr...Read on
J. Willms

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Junk removal service

    I've actually used this junk removal service a bunch of times and I gotta tell ya, they never let me down. The crew always shows up right on schedule, they're super professional, and they work quickly. I don't even bother checking out other services because I trust these guys to do a great job every time. I totally recommend giving them a shot!

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    Would buy here again

    Lucktastic Review

    My time with Lucktastic has been pretty frustrating. The app keeps freezing and crashing, so I can hardly play any games or get rewards. And even when I do play, the prizes are so tiny that it's not even worth it. Plus, their customer service is useless - I just get generic replies that don't help at all. Honestly, I wouldn't suggest Lucktastic to anyone who wants to win cool prizes or have fun gaming.

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