Simply Sensitivity Checks Reviews

: 23

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick and easy sensitivity che
That sensitivity check really made a difference for me. It was so easy to use and the results cam...Read on

Review with most votes

Food sensitivity test
The testing process took a while, but when I finally got my results, I was happy with how thoroug...Read on
K. Kub

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Food sensitivity and deficiency check

    It's really made a big difference for me. Not only did it help me figure out which foods bother me, but it also showed me where I'm lacking nutrition, especially for my gut health. I'm so impressed that I even suggested it to my coworkers as a way to be healthier, miss less work, and be more productive. And the best part? It's not even expensive.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick and easy sensitivity test

    I got the sensitivity test I ordered pretty quickly, and it was super easy to do. The instructions were easy to follow, and they even gave me an envelope to send it back in. They sent me emails and texts to let me know they got my test, and I got my results the next day. The report was simple to read, and they told me exactly what things to stay away from because of my intolerance.

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    Would buy here again

    Food sensitivity test

    The testing process took a while, but when I finally got my results, I was happy with how thorough they were. It was surprising to see that some of the foods I thought were healthy were actually causing inflammation in my body. I've already made some changes to what I eat and I'm starting to feel better. I'm also glad I can get a test for my son, because I want to make sure he stays healthy too.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick sensitivity check results

    My hair sample results came back really quick, like within a day! Apparently, wheat and egg were what was making me feel sick, so I decided to ditch them from my diet. And let me tell you, I'm feeling way better now with no more cramps and bloating. The whole process was a breeze and didn't cost too much. I totally suggest it to anyone who might need it!

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