Gainful Reviews

: 21

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86% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Protein powder purchase
I was really impressed by how much detail was in the questionnaire on the website. The protein po...Read on
W. King

Most relevant negative review

Late delivery and poor custome
I'm so fed up with how long it's taking for my order to arrive. I was told it would be ...Read on
Tiffany Mante

Review with most votes

Highly Satisfied with Gainful'
I have been a client of Gainful for several months now and I have been extremely satisfied with t...Read on
Linda Koch

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Cool ingredients and products

    They explained all the details and were quick to answer my questions when I signed up. The product has been great! It shows you what you're getting, why it's personalized, and how to use it. I can easily add more shakes to my day. I'm excited to try it and stop worrying every month about buying my protein and collagen.

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    Would buy here again

    Personalized protein powder

    The personalized protein powder from Gainful is awesome! I really like that they have a Registered Dietician I can easily talk to if I have any questions. Being able to switch between flavors is a total game-changer for me. I'm glad I don't have to buy a big tub of one flavor before trying something different. And being able to skip a month when my workouts haven't been consistent is a super helpful feature.

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