Earnin Reviews

: 21

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24% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Emergency cash assistance
I never would have thought that it could be so simple to get some help between paydays. I was rea...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Cash advance service
As someone who used to think this cash advance service was helpful, I've now seen how sneaky...Read on

Review with most votes

A Game Changer for Financial M
I've been using Earnin for a few months now, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. The app make...Read on
Jeramy Kuphal

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Loan repayment rescheduling

    I recently asked if I could postpone my loan payment because I got paid later than usual. But, they told me they needed proof of my new job and hire details in order to do it. I didn't feel good about having to share such personal info just to change my payment date. It should've been an easier and less invasive process.

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    Would buy here again

    Fraudulent customer service

    This app is a total rip-off! I can't believe how terrible their customer service is and all the problems I'm dealing with. I tried reaching out for help with my account, but couldn't even find a phone number to call. The chat support was no help at all, giving me generic answers that didn't fix anything. Now, my account is in an even worse mess than it was before, even after paying for their supposed "service". I thought this app would help me get groceries for my kids, but it's just caused more problems. Don't even bother with this app, it's not worth it!

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    Would buy here again

    Payment app experience

    The payment app I tried was a total letdown. The customer service team didn't seem to know much about what they were doing, and I couldn't find the features they promised. And don't get me started on how the "Paycheck Router" feature wasn't even an option for Android users - major disappointment. On top of that, I made the mistake of choosing the early payment with the Earnin Card, but the funds were never right and couldn't be used like they said. Even though my job confirmed my payday, Earnin dropped the ball and didn't come through with the money on time. It just left me feeling frustrated and I had to end up cancelling my account.

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    Would buy here again

    No benefits allowed

    I was really looking forward to giving this company a shot, but I was taken aback and let down when I learned they don't cater to folks like me who are on benefits. It kinda made me feel like my income wasn't up to snuff for them, which was a real blow to my spirits. I believe it's crucial for businesses to be welcoming to all and not make individuals feel unworthy just because they receive government help. Here's hoping they reconsider their policy down the line to be more inclusive and open to everyone.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick loan service

    My experience with the customer service at this place was really frustrating. It took forever to get a response and my issues weren't getting resolved, which made me feel like they weren't paying attention to me. I was transferred around for hours until I finally got to talk to a supervisor who fixed the problem, but it shouldn't have been such a hassle. Zhade and Zyrine really need more training in customer service because waiting an hour for just one reply is just not okay.

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