eMeals Reviews

: 24

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Meal planning app
This app has totally changed the game for me. It's super user-friendly and has really saved ...Read on
M. Crona

Review with most votes

Meal planning app
I gotta say, I am super impressed with this meal planning app I started using. The recipes it giv...Read on
H. Watsica

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Convenient meal planning app

    This app has been really helpful for my family, especially since we're always so busy. It's great to have all the things I need automatically added to my shopping list. The recipes are tasty, and even my kids who are picky eaters like them. I would definitely suggest this app to anyone who wants to make meal planning easier.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Meal planning subscription

    eMeals has seriously been a game-changer for me when it comes to meal planning. I'm all about the different recipe options and how easy it is to have everything planned out for me. It takes away all the hassle and worry of figuring out what to buy at the store and cooking prep. Being able to switch up recipes and make my own menu changes is a major bonus. I've been telling all my friends and family about this awesome service because it really has made a big difference in my weeknight dinners.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Meal planning app

    I gotta say, I am super impressed with this meal planning app I started using. The recipes it gives me are not only tasty but also super easy to follow. I've been able to step up my cooking game by trying out new ingredient combos and seasonings that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. This app has really leveled up my cooking skills, and I can't wait to keep using it for meal planning down the line.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Meal planning and grocery delivery

    Ordering from eMeals was super handy for meal planning and getting groceries dropped off right at my door. It saved me a lot of time and running around trying to remember everything I needed for my recipes. Although, I did find it a bit of a pain to double-check everything in my cart and pick out substitutes. It's crucial to give your cart a good look-over before you hit that final order button to make sure everything is just right.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Meal planning app

    This meal planning app has seriously changed the game for me! It's brought a whole bunch of new options to our dinners and makes customizing meals so easy. The grocery integration for pick-up has saved me a ton of time, and I love how it lays out the groceries for when I go shopping in person. To sum it up, I totally recommend this app to anyone who wants to make meal planning easier and more fun.

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