Weee Reviews

: 22

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50% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick online grocery order
Oh my gosh, I recently tried out an online grocery store and they had this irritating tip section...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Organic Goji Berries, 10 items
I recently bought 10 items from this company, including a pack of "organic" Goji Berrie...Read on
Jaunita Ankunding

Review with most votes

Asian groceries, fresh veggies
I really love ordering from Weee! Their delivery service is seriously top-notch, they always pack...Read on
M. Volkman

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced items from sellers

    I gotta say, the delivery service is awesome! I love getting my stuff early. But man, let me tell you, I'm not a fan of some of those 3rd party sellers. Ichigo and Tokyo Mall? Ugh, they're the worst. Their prices are crazy high and don't even get me started on their shipping fees. Paying $100 for tiny things that are already too pricey by $5-10 compared to other sellers? No way, not worth it at all.

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    Would buy here again

    Non-food item delivery

    I was so annoyed when I saw that I had to pay 5 bucks for delivery on a $13 non-food item. And to top it off, they actually had the nerve to recommend a tip during checkout. Are you kidding me? Tipping for self-service is already crazy. It's just getting ridiculous how you're expected to tip everywhere nowadays. Customers shouldn't have to cover employee wages, and tips should really only be for outstanding service.

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    Would buy here again

    Meat in broth order

    I recently bought some meat in broth, and I was really bummed out by the whole experience. The packaging wasn't sealed right, so it spilled all over the place and made a huge mess in my kitchen. It was a total hassle, and now I'm a little skeptical about ordering from that service again. I'd suggest going to a local store instead for better quality stuff and packaging.

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