The Truth About Esports & Stress

The Truth About Esports & Stress

Esports, short for electronic sports, are extremely competitive. Due to the advancement in game techs, the caliber of video games is simply mind-blowing. And just like any other sport, it is physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing.

Despite popular belief, e-gamers need the strength of both body and mind. Any game would require loads of practice time and muscle memory for any player to master it. The same goes when you are on a basketball court or football field.

Hence, this doesn't exempt professional esports players from all the stress that plagues every game.

The Stress

There are several types of research that tackle the stresses players undergo during competitions. Apparent stressors may somehow differ due to the participants' responses but collectively, there are two types that have long been identified.

Internal Stressors

These are the things you think and feel that disturb your inner peace. This type of stress comes from within and seems to be inevitable due to human nature. In nerve-racking games, players find it difficult to control.

Lack of Confidence and Self-doubt

This is probably the most prevalent. Doubting oneself happens to everyone. It usually occurs whenever you think you made a mistake during your play. This leaves a significant effect on your gameplay. For some, this even leads to a do-or-die situation. Leagues and tournaments are testaments that you’re only as good as your last game performance.

Antisocial Behaviors

One main difference between esports and other sports is the playing field. As pro gamers spend most of their time practicing alone, it is difficult and awkward for some to express themselves while alone. Many resort to antisocial behaviors which greatly impacts team dynamics.

External Stressors

These are situations that can add to your burden. This type of stressor may be beyond your control since it involves factors that you do not commit. Yet, this doesn't mean that they are not preventable.

Game Outcome

There are many things that contribute to a game’s outcome. Your opponent’s skills, competitive ruling, and even luck can certainly create a big impact. Gamers must perfectly calculate the scenarios at hand. At all costs, they should not be complacent. The twists in matches turn out to be a stressor due to its unpredictability.

Criticisms From the Crowd & Teammates

Trash talks are part of the competition. Fans always have something to say and arguments with your teammates are unavoidable. You can’t let these things get into your head as it can mess up your strategy. Gamers need to tame their own reactions and silence unnecessary thoughts.

Coping Habits

Overcoming stress may be a challenge but not impossible. There are specific strategies that players use to lessen the stress they carry. Coping in difficult situations is part of any sport; therefore, these gamers need to find what works best for them. Take a look at the following:

Pressure Regulations

Stress comes from pressure. It would be great if you could maintain it at a healthy dose. Some pro players do meditation and self-talk while others love sleeping or cold showers. These serve as breathers which are important in maintaining a work-life balance.

Consumption Strategies

Stress eating and drinking are typical for esports players. According to research, players often consume food, beverages, and a lot more to fight off the stress. Nutrition becomes essential in keeping players’ energy and performance high.

If some players drink loads of water and eat while playing, others cling to caffeine to get them through. Coffee and energy drinks are the most popular options as both can combat fatigue and keep your focus. On the other hand, alcohol drinking is something players do after games to celebrate victory or to contemplate defeat.

Another way is through smoking. It may be in the form of regular cigarettes, vape, and nicotine pouches like SNUS.

This tobacco by-product is a great alternative to introducing nicotine into the system. Ingested by placing it between the gums and teeth, you are sure to have your nicotine fix in the most discreet manner. Added to the fact that it comes in an array of flavors, it is certainly more convenient. You can see options at snusdirect.

E-Sports: A Cut-Throat Sports

The facade of playing video games over and over again seems to be very laid-back or even lazy. Yet, the implication of playing long hours would certainly take its toll on anyone.

So, it is no surprise that professional players adopt various habits to cope with the stress brought about by this one-of-a-kind sport. There are tips and tricks on how to play safe. At the end of the day, everything has a part to play in the competitiveness of this sport.

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