Firma Stella Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Framed shirt shipped abroad
I have to tell you, my experience with this company was really amazing. I needed to ship a framed...Read on
Katrina Koelpin

Review with most votes

F1 driver signed picture
The picture of the autographed Williams F1 car by Logan Sargeant looks amazing and is nicely fram...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Signed shirts, Christmas presents

    This company is amazing. They frame the signed shirts so nicely, and I'm really happy with my fourth order. Their products are way better than other sports memorabilia companies I've tried before.

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    Would buy here again

    My awesome purchase

    I found the perfect gift for my friend's birthday and it was absolutely amazing! The customer service was top-notch, Ben was incredibly helpful and friendly. The product was high-quality and looked very professional. I will definitely be using them again and recommending them to everyone I know. Thank you, Ben!

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