Guitar Mastery Method Reviews

: 22

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50% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

online guitar lessons
Online guitar lessons are awesome! I'm learning a ton and having a great time jamming on my ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Online guitar lessons
I wasn't too happy with the online guitar lessons website I tried out. It felt like they wer...Read on

Review with most votes

Intermediate player, strugglin
As someone who's been playing guitar for about 5 years now, I was really struggling with sol...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Online guitar lessons

    I just bought some guitar lessons online from this company, and then I found out later that there are free lessons online that people say are better. I was bummed about it, so I tried to get a refund, but haven't heard back yet. I feel like I got tricked by this company, and I want to warn everyone to be careful if they're thinking about buying lessons from them.

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    Would buy here again

    Over 50's course enrollment issue

    I signed up for the over 50's course at Guitar Mastery Method not too long ago, hoping to improve my skills. But things didn't go so smoothly during registration this time. Even though I've had good experiences with their courses before and really trust the instructors, there was a mix-up with my enrollment this time around. After reaching out through a bunch of emails and not hearing back for a while, I eventually got through and learned that the course was already full. They did offer me a choice though - I could either get a refund or get 12 weeks of Elite access along with a personal tutor.

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    Would buy here again

    Digital guitar mastery course

    I just bought the digital guitar mastery course from this site, and let me tell you, I am really impressed with what they offer. The course is organized well and covers a lot of different topics that have really helped me get better at playing the guitar. The videos are easy to understand and follow, and the extra materials they give you have been super useful during my practice sessions. I definitely suggest this course to anyone wanting to level up their guitar skills.

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