The Natural Patch Reviews

: 23

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Sleep patches
The sleep patches have really helped out in our house, especially for my son who has autism and h...Read on

Review with most votes

Zen stickers for autistic chil
Zen stickers have been a game-changer for my daughter with autism. Dealing with her behavior can ...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Sleep aid patch for child

    As a parent, it can be tough to help your child sleep better. Our 6-year-old son used to have a hard time calming down and falling asleep, but everything changed when we found the SleepyPatch. It's been a game-changer for us. He's still awake a bit, but he's a lot calmer, settles down, and drifts off to sleep without getting out of bed. Bedtime is much easier and peaceful now. We've been using the SleepyPatch for 6 months and the results have been really good.

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    Would buy here again

    Insect repellent patches for baby

    I recently bought some insect repellent patches for my baby, and I have to say, I was very impressed with how well they worked. We used them on a trip and they did a great job of keeping those annoying mosquitoes away. What I really liked was that they didn't have a strong, chemical smell like a lot of other bug sprays. The patches were simple to use, we just stuck them on our baby's clothes, crib, and stroller without any trouble. It was a relief knowing that my baby was safe from bug bites.

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    Would buy here again

    Patch purchase

    Although I haven't tried the patches yet, I just have to shout out Caz for being amazing. She handled a delivery issue like a pro, making sure I still got my order. This is top-notch customer service right here!

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    Would buy here again

    Stuffy patches for stuffy nose

    I picked up these clear patches for my daughter because she's always got a runny nose from daycare. Those regular decongestant rubs give her rashes since her skin is so sensitive, but these patches are a neat and helpful way to help her breathe easier at bedtime. And she loves them because she thinks they're like fun stickers!

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