Zumalka Reviews

: 28

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

My order coming
I was really pumped when I saw the notifications that my order was coming, and I was even more ps...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Urgent Pet medication
I ordered some important pet medicine in a rush, but it never showed up. When I called customer s...Read on
Leila Gleason

Review with most votes

Remedies for dog with Crohn�
These remedies have really made a difference for my dog, who's been dealing with Crohn'...Read on

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Bronchial clear for my cat

    Bronchial Clear has been a real lifesaver for my kitty. He was having a hard time breathing, but after I gave him a spray of Bronchial Clear and let him take a good nap, he was already doing better. I'm so thankful for this product and will definitely keep using it to help my cat stay healthy.

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    Would buy here again

    Great experience, product success

    My experience with this company was amazing from the beginning to the end. Ordering was easy and clear-cut. The customer service team knew their stuff and really helped me with all my questions. The prices were fair and the product was totally worth it - my dog's doing so much better. The delivery was right on time and everything arrived in great shape. All in all, I'm super happy with my purchase and would definitely tell others to check out this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Lipoma treatment turned invasive

    I bought this product from a company to help reduce my dog's benign lipoma. The customer service team assured me that their products would be effective for this. Sadly, after administering the product to my dog, her lipoma transformed into a discolored and angry-looking tumor. It was a dramatic shift, and my poor dog couldn't stop licking and attempting to chew it. This caused her a lot of distress and eventually resulted in her being put to sleep. I contacted the company to request a refund since their product caused this unexpected change, but they declined because the product had already been opened.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick shipping, leaky products

    I was really excited when my package arrived super quickly this time! You know, when my pets aren't feeling well, I really need those supplies right away. But man, for the second time in a row, my stuff was all wet because it leaked in the box. It's frustrating because I lose some of the product, but luckily most of it was still in there.

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    Would buy here again

    Dog supplements

    I ordered some supplements for my dog and they got here really quick! Zumalka kept me in the loop the whole time on tracking the package. It was awesome knowing the exact details of when it was packed, sent, and dropped off. It made me feel like a special VIP customer!

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    Would buy here again

    Skin at Peace - Advanced protocol for my dog's dermatitis

    I just bought the Skin at Peace - Advanced protocol for my dog's dermatitis, and I have to say, I'm really impressed with how well it's worked. My dog's skin cleared up fast and it's been really effective. I'm a big believer in using homeopathy for my pets, so I'm happy to see such great results. I've finally found a company I can trust and I highly recommend their products for pet health.

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    Would buy here again

    Effective and Top Quality Products

    The customer service at this company is really exceptional. I've only had good experiences with their team. They're always ready and willing to help me out and give me the info I need. Plus, the products I've bought from them have been top-notch and actually work. I would definitely suggest this company to anyone who wants natural remedies for their pets.

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    Would buy here again

    Homeopathic remedy for constipation in cats

    My cat was diagnosed with constipation by the vet, and regular medicine didn't help much, so I looked into homeopathic options. I ordered some constipation medicine from HomeoAnimal and started giving it to my cat right away. After a few days, my cat finally took a good poop and has been feeling a lot better. I'm really surprised at how well the homeopathic remedy worked, and I'll keep using it for my cat's health in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Eye ulcer treatment

    I'm really thankful that I found a natural and effective solution for my dog's eye ulcer. It makes me so happy to be able to take care of my beloved pup without using harsh chemicals. The regimen from this company did wonders for my dog's eye ulcers, and I'm thrilled with how well it worked. Thanks for making products that focus on our furry friends' health and well-being.

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