Zumalka Reviews

: 28

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

My order coming
I was really pumped when I saw the notifications that my order was coming, and I was even more ps...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Urgent Pet medication
I ordered some important pet medicine in a rush, but it never showed up. When I called customer s...Read on
Leila Gleason

Review with most votes

Remedies for dog with Crohn�
These remedies have really made a difference for my dog, who's been dealing with Crohn'...Read on

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Optimum eye products

    I recently bought some eye products for my pet that I really love. I was happy to see that these products are homeopathic, which is exactly what I prefer for natural remedies. The customer service was top-notch - I talked to a really nice and helpful person named Zumalka. Even though the company is based in Canada, my order arrived pretty quickly. It's still too early to say if the products are working for my dog, Marley, but I'm feeling pretty hopeful based on the good reviews I've seen. I can't wait to see the results and I'll definitely keep you posted on how it's going. Overall, I'm happy with my experience with this company and their products.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fast delivery of pet health products

    I was so impressed with how fast my package of pet health products arrived after I ordered them. And not only was the delivery quick, but the customer service from this company was top-notch. It's clear that they really care about pets and make sure they're getting the best care possible. I really appreciate that they not only deliver stuff quickly but also take the time to check in on the animals they're helping. That kind of dedication shows how much they care about making their customers happy and keeping pets healthy. I'll definitely be coming back as a customer and supporting a company that truly cares about our furry friends' well-being.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Dog health products

    I'm so grateful for all the help and support I received from the website. They really made a difference in helping me manage my dog, Jackie's, seizures. It was a huge relief to have their guidance on handling stress and keeping her teeth healthy. Jackie had a big bubble in her mouth, but the product they suggested cleared it up quickly. They also gave me great recommendations for her eye care when she was having trouble seeing. The cataract-L product really made a difference in her vision, and now she can confidently climb her little stairs again. Thank you so much for all the support and fantastic products!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Remedies for dog with Crohn's

    These remedies have really made a difference for my dog, who's been dealing with Crohn's disease all his life. Thanks to these remedies, he's back to his old self - full of energy, happy, and loving life more than ever. His appetite is better, and he's acting like a regular dog now after eight years of problems. We've been able to reduce his regular meds by more than half since we started using these remedies. I highly recommend them to all pet owners - they really do work miracles. I just wish they had a product line for humans too!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My order coming

    I was really pumped when I saw the notifications that my order was coming, and I was even more psyched when it finally showed up! The whole thing was a breeze, no problems at all.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and neat delivery

    I was so happy when my order arrived right on time and in good condition. The packing was done really well, making sure everything was safe during shipping. I can tell they took the time to handle my order carefully. Thank you for taking such good care of it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cat health tonics

    I have this cat that was having a hard time pooping because of some enzyme problem. We tried a bunch of vet visits, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, we found a solution using a mix of six different tonics through a more natural approach. It really made a difference in my cat's health! It's been two years now and she hasn't had any more trouble with her bowels. Crushing up the tonics and mixing them into her food has been super easy to do every day. I'm just so thankful for how well it's worked out.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Recurring order mishap

    I was really pumped to order my pet's stuff from this website, you know? But then, I ended up signing up for a recurring order without even realizing it. It was so easy to do, I didn't even notice until I got charged again! Thankfully, the Customer Service team was really nice and canceled it for me, so that was a relief. They should definitely make the subscription thing more clear though, because I didn't intend to do it at all. Just a heads up, be careful with that!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Animal wellness products

    HomeoAnimal has seriously been a game-changer for my furry buddies. Their stuff has really helped ease a bunch of health problems my pets have dealt with, and I'm just so thankful for that. The crew over at HomeoAnimal really knows their stuff, they're super pro, and always nice. I trust them completely when I need advice on what to give my pets. Anyone searching for natural remedies for their furry friends, definitely check out HomeoAnimal, they're the real deal.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Undescended Testicle bottle

    I was so pleased with the customer service I got from this company! Right after I ordered something, they got in touch with me and gave me some ideas, and really listened to what I needed. I like it when a company takes the time to check in with their customers. But, I gotta confess, I got the Undescended Testicle bottle for my puppy, and then I realized he actually has both testicles. Kinda funny, but I'll hang on to the bottle just in case it's needed down the road.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Safe and effective pet products

    This was my third time ordering from this company and I just have to say, their products are really good. I've been getting extra stuff to share with my friends, and even their pets like them. The service was fantastic and I really value the quality of their products.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and careful delivery

    I was so delighted by how fast my order got here! It was obvious that they took real care with packaging everything. I really appreciate the extra effort to make sure my stuff arrived in one piece. Thanks a ton! I really hope these goodies make a difference for my furry friend and give her the help she deserves.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Urgent Pet medication

    I ordered some important pet medicine in a rush, but it never showed up. When I called customer service, they told me they weren't responsible for lost packages. What kind of messed up policy is that? I think I deserve better service and someone to take responsibility from a company that I trust to take care of my pet's health.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick delivery and responsive service

    The delivery actually got here sooner than I thought, which was a nice surprise. The customer service folks were super quick in getting back to me when I had questions, and they gave me all the info I was looking for. I'm glad I can easily get in touch with them if I need more help or suggestions.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Eye drops for feral cat

    I just got some eye drops for this stray cat I've been looking after, and I am amazed at how well they worked. The delivery was fast, and in just three days, the cat's eyes are already looking so much better. I definitely suggest this product for anyone wanting to help their pet get better fast.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and Easy Return Process

    I bought some stuff from this company recently, but turns out I didn't need them anymore cause my treatment providers changed. I got in touch with their customer service to ask about returning the items, and man, they were super helpful and nice about it. Gave me clear steps on how to send the stuff back, which made it really fast and simple. I gotta say, I'm grateful for how smoothly they handled my situation. Thanks a lot for the awesome customer service!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Glaucoma treatment purchase

    I had a really bad experience with the glaucoma treatment for my dog. He had been diagnosed with glaucoma in one eye for about a year, but the other eye was fine. Just two weeks after starting the treatment, the eye that was fine before turned red and he went completely blind. It was heartbreaking how fast it all happened. I started the treatment on December 8 and by December 26, my dog was blind.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Flea and tick prevention for my dog

    I got this flea and tick stuff for my dog. It's so easy to use, just put a little on his back and bam, no more fleas! It smells a little funky, but my dog doesn't seem to care. I'm glad I don't have to stress about him getting those bothersome bugs anymore, woohoo!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Sensitive stomach probiotic formula

    My dog has a really sensitive stomach and this probiotic stuff has seriously helped with his tummy troubles. It's nice to finally find something that works without costing a ton of money. I definitely suggest giving it a try!

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