Fiverr Reviews

: 21

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62% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Social media content creation
I just bought some social media content creation services on Fiverr, and I ran into some problems...Read on
Jamarcus Cormier

Most relevant negative review

Gig Rejection Frustrations
I had a really frustrating time with gig rejections on this platform. Even though I tried editing...Read on

Review with most votes

I am using fiverr for 3 years
Since I have started freelancing that is 6 years ago, I have been doing great work at my local bu...Read on
Timothy H. Allen

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Got help with my homework

    I got some help with my homework from this really cool person on Fiverr. They explained everything so clearly and made it super easy for me to get it. I'd totally suggest them to my friends.

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    Would buy here again

    Coding on WordPress

    I recently spent $500 on hiring someone to do coding work on WordPress. Despite the fact that this person had good reviews and claimed to be experienced, my experience was not great. The payment milestones agreed upon were not met with the level of quality I was hoping for. The first milestone only resulted in a basic website that I could have done myself. The seller kept postponing our meetings, often canceling at the last minute with weak excuses. When I asked for a refund, I was told I was entitled to a full refund, but I only got half of what I paid. After pushing for it, I did eventually get a full refund from Fiverr. Still, I was disappointed with the poor communication and slow resolution of the problem. Despite this, I might use Fiverr again because of the affordable options, but I was disappointed by the customer service and the platform's policy on taking a cut of tips without clear communication.

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