Goldstar Reviews

: 23

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Theater ticket shopping
I always go to this website when I'm looking for theater tickets. Sometimes the prices aren&...Read on
Norene Hegmann

Most relevant negative review

Show not the same
I'm not really loving the Goldstar experience these days. It seems like they're not as ...Read on

Review with most votes

Been to such fantasy and magic
I loved the objective of Goldstar. They focus to take people for most beautiful shows around the ...Read on
Jenny McKinson

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Alvin Ailey tickets

    Why not go for Alvin Ailey? Every time I see that show, I'm blown away, and Goldstar is the best spot to get tickets at a great price. You won't be let down - it's a win-win. And they even send the tickets straight to your email ahead of time. Can't beat that.

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    Would buy here again

    Discounted tickets for 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee

    Last Thursday, me and my friends decided to check out the 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee at this awesome theater in Skokie, IL. We snagged tickets for just $29 each, which was a sweet deal. And, can you believe it? Our seats were right up front! Getting those tickets on Goldstar was a breeze.

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    Would buy here again

    Moisture festival show

    I just can't get enough of the Moisture Festival show every year! It's seriously the best with all the incredible performances that just amaze me. I feel super fortunate to be able to see all these talented and fabulous acts. It's like a dream come true every single time I go.

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    Would buy here again

    Been to such fantasy and magical experiences with goldstar

    I loved the objective of Goldstar. They focus to take people for most beautiful shows around the corners of the world and city as well.
    I have been to two shows lately. they are living proof how musicals, live performaces and performing arts will be always alive and unique even with boom of cinema theatres and culture of IMAX , 4dx AND MORE. .
    I work in LA in a drama theatre company. so I know it well.

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