Pathrise Reviews

: 24

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Job search program review
I recently decided to join this job search program to help me find the right job and improve my p...Read on
Grace Bechtelar

Review with most votes

Job search assistance
The two-week trial at that job search assistance program really boosted my confidence in their te...Read on

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Software Engineering program

    I joined the Software Engineering program a few months back after getting laid off from a tech job. The people at this career accelerator have been super helpful in my job search and overall career development. Their pay-when-you-get-a-job approach is a great deal for me. I can't thank them enough.

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    Would buy here again

    Career development program with structured support

    This program is great for people who thrive with deadlines and need someone to hold them accountable. The organized way it's set up really kept me on task and helped me stop putting things off. Even though there were a few bumps in communication along the way, getting a fantastic job in the field I wanted totally made it worth it. I definitely suggest this program to anyone who's serious about growing in their career.

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    Would buy here again

    Pathrise switch job

    I was feeling so lost in the job market, but I found this program that helps you land a new job. I really appreciate their approach, it's way better than other places. Chatting with folks who are already in the industry has been super helpful. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about what's ahead for me with this program!.

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    Would buy here again

    Job search assistance

    I started this job search program back in December, and surprisingly, I've already noticed some big improvements in my search. They provide lots of helpful resources like helping me with my resume, coding sessions every week, and one-on-one chats with mentors, and all of it has really made a difference. So far, it's been a great experience for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Resume optimization and interview preparation

    The career advisors and mentors in this program have been so helpful with my resume and getting ready for interviews. They made my resume shorter without leaving out anything important and gave me great advice on how to talk during interviews. I feel much more confident now about finding a job and I'm really hopeful about getting my dream job.

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