Psychic Source Reviews

: 22

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77% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Contacting Raquel for accurate
Raquel is truly amazing at what she does! She was spot-on with everything she shared with me duri...Read on
Mervin Crona

Most relevant negative review

General Reading
The reading I got was pretty vague and didn't really tell me much. It was all stuff that see...Read on
R. Swift

Review with most votes

I really don't believe but i tried few days back. Lol its cool and also they have good advice whi...Read on
Sia kaylee

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Psychic reading purchase

    My experience with that psychic reading service was kind of frustrating because the advisor and customer service couldn't get on the same page. The first advisor I talked to was nice and gave me some helpful advice, but when I tried to call back like they said, I was told my advisor wasn't an option anymore at the same price we talked about. They wanted me to pay more to keep going. It was disappointing and made me question if the service was really legit.

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    Would buy here again

    Psychic readings feedback

    I've been getting psychic readings for about 12 years now. It's been hit or miss with the different psychics I've gone to. Crystal said some things about my relationships that didn't quite add up, Amy totally missed the mark with her info, Vincent was way off when it came to my friend's pregnancy, and Roxanne was wrong about someone secretly having feelings for me. However, I did have better experiences with psychics like Rachel and Carla. They seemed to be more accurate and reliable with their readings. In the end, I've learned that some psychic readings can be misleading and pricey, which can be disappointing.

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    Would buy here again


    I really don't believe but i tried few days back. Lol its cool and also they have good advice which is actually nice
    Also the price is not high so its good to give it a try

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