QuickStart Reviews

: 24

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71% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Boot camp experience
During my time at boot camp, my instructor was really good. He made sure to help each of us indiv...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Cybersecurity online course
I've been really disappointed with this course since day one. The projects don't have c...Read on

Review with most votes

Taking virtual classes for a w
Quickstart was recommended by my senior in college, Davis, he did IT training program from here a...Read on
Jerrico M.

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Cybersecurity program

    This cybersecurity program is really great. The videos are easy to understand and make learning feel effortless. The coach, Bill, is awesome at helping out with any questions that come up. The course covers the basics, which is just what I needed as a beginner. The hands-on coding, lab work, and quizzes helped me really grasp the concepts. All in all, this program is an amazing way to get started in cybersecurity.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase

    The online course I bought was super helpful, but I noticed that a few of the videos could use a refresh in how they present the material. It felt like the instructor was just reading off slides in some of them, which made it kind of boring. Still, I had a good time overall and am excited to keep on learning. Big thanks to our instructor, Bill, who really knew his stuff and was easy to talk to.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase for certification exam prep

    I found the online courses I bought to get ready for my certification exam pretty helpful. The videos had a lot of good info, but there were a couple times where they didn't cover everything I needed to know for the test. And some of the lab work took longer than they said it would - like a 3-hour lab that ended up taking me 6 hours. But even with those hiccups, I still think the material was useful for getting me ready.

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    Would buy here again

    Online coding course

    The online coding course I bought from this platform was amazing. The course content was really thorough and simple to follow, and I felt like I actually learned a ton from it. The instructors knew their stuff and kept it interesting, which made it fun to learn. I’d absolutely suggest this course to anyone wanting to get better at coding.

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    Would buy here again

    Import certifications for Upwork Profile

    Even though I read some bad reviews, my time with QuickStart was actually really great. I had no trouble at all importing certifications for my Upwork Profile. It not only boosted my reputation with badge certifications, but I also learned a lot along the way. I definitely suggest QuickStart to anyone wanting to do the same.

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