Support Pets Reviews

: 21

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81% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Support pet for my dad
My dad got sick, and the dog really came through to help out.Read on
Consuelo Gerhold

Most relevant negative review

Puppy vest purchase
Yeah, so we ordered this vest for our puppy from this place, you know? And then they went and cha...Read on

Review with most votes

Emotional Support Animal appli
I had a great experience with Support Pets. It was nice to talk to a real person when I called, i...Read on
Briana Donnelly

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Quick and easy pet certification

    This service is just incredible! I had to get my pet certified and Support Pets made it a breeze. I told my friends about it and they were really impressed at how easy and quick the whole process was. Now I can take my fur baby everywhere with me, all thanks to this service. I definitely recommend it!

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    Would buy here again

    Certificate transfer inquiry

    I got my certificate pretty quickly, which was nice. Sadly, my sweet pet unexpectedly passed away just a few weeks later. It was really tough for me, but I'm hoping to get another furry friend soon. When the time comes, I'll need to figure out how to transfer the certificate to my new pet.

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