WhiteHat Jr Reviews

: 22

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82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online coding classes
I really enjoy taking online coding classes! They are super cool and I've been learning a to...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Online coding classes
My online coding classes experience was a real let down. I was excited to take the course, but it...Read on

Review with most votes

Coding class for my son
My kid has been doing so much better ever since he began taking that coding class. He's out ...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Coding class for my son

    My kid has been doing so much better ever since he began taking that coding class. He's out here cracking engineering problems left and right and his teacher says he's super pumped about soaking up new knowledge in coding. Because of this class, he's feeling more sure of himself when it comes to computers.

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    Would buy here again

    class with Chandraprabha mam for over a year

    I had an awesome time learning how to code with Chandraprabha! We spent over a year together, and I was always pumped for each class. She made coding feel simple and enjoyable, and she was super helpful whenever I had questions. I felt like I was truly learning and growing with her guidance.

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    Would buy here again

    Coding lessons

    Whitehat Jr is an awesome place to learn coding. The teachers there are amazing and they really break things down to make it easy to grasp. My teacher, Najmus Sahar A, is so good at explaining even the toughest stuff. Overall, I had a fantastic time learning on this platform.

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