VoiPLy Reviews

: 23

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87% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

VoIP service for business
I was so happy with how fast the customer service rep got on the line when I called. They didn�...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Blocked phone numbers
I bought some things and out of nowhere, they went and blocked all of my phone numbers! They clai...Read on

Review with most votes

A trusted brand
Unmatched quality of product and services Full dedicated team are welcoming customers for any ass...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Phone system purchase

    I just got a new phone system and I've been using it for about two weeks now. Setting it up was a breeze and everything showed up right on schedule. So far, the system has been working great for me, but there's one little issue. I can't check my voicemails with my landline phone; they only come through email. Plus, the message notification is only sent to one cell phone via SMS text.

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    Would buy here again

    Internet phone setup

    Setting up the internet phone was a bit tricky with my TMOBILE internet, but the customer service rep was really patient and helpful in helping me get it to work. Now it's working perfectly, so yay!

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    Would buy here again

    VoIP phones

    I just bought some VoIP phones from this company. The customer service was great and they helped me get everything set up. But now I'm having problems with incoming and outgoing calls on all the phones. I've tried fixing it on my own, but no luck. I need the tech support team from the company to help me out and fix this issue fast.

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    Would buy here again

    New phone service

    I just have to say, this new phone service is a total game changer! My mom has had the same number for years, and when she had to move to a different state for assisted living, she was able to keep her old number! Now all her friends and family can still reach out to her without any problems.

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