New York Pass Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

NYC Pass
This pass is such a great deal! I got the 3-day pass and it was totally worth it. It saved me a t...Read on
Providenci Bode

Review with most votes

Sightseeing Pass
When you're thinking about heading to New York City, you really can't go wrong with get...Read on
Eulah Batz

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Attractions variety and flexibility

    The pass has a bunch of cool stuff you can do, like checking out museums, taking a bike for a spin, going on a food tour, or visiting a stadium. What's awesome about it is you can book these activities whenever you want and even switch up the day or time if you need to.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy bookings and access

    Our experience with the bookings went really well. We could see all the sites we wanted to with no problems. It's definitely worth it to use this pass, especially if you're trying to do NYC on a budget. I'd definitely suggest getting this pass if you're planning a trip to the Big Apple.

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