Joel Grimes Photography Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Customer Service & Technic
I wanted to share my recent experience with technical support because I was really impressed with...Read on
N. Kemmer

Review with most votes

A Life-Changing Experience wit
I am an avid photographer and have been following Joel Grimes Photography for quite some time now...Read on
Kadin Gerhold

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Photography training program

    I just started this photography training course, and let me tell you, it was amazing! The instructor was awesome and really knew their stuff. Joel didn't hold back and shared all kinds of useful tips and tricks from his own experience. It really made a difference in my skills. I'm so glad I found this program and would totally suggest it to anyone wanting to step up their photography game.

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    Would buy here again

    Account Management Assistance

    Joel Grimes Photography has amazing customer service. So, I messed up by using two different emails for my account and got all mixed up when I tried to get my stuff. Luckily, Joel came to the rescue and offered to merge my accounts. It made finding my items a breeze and saved me a ton of time and stress. I'm really grateful for Joel's speedy and helpful support.

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