MegaZip Reviews

: 23

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91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick and easy order process
I had a great experience ordering from this company. The website was super easy to use, the commu...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Delayed Order
I'm really annoyed with the service I got from this company. I ordered something they said w...Read on
L. D'Amore

Review with most votes

A Satisfied Customer's Review
I have been a client of MegaZip for several years now and I have to say that overall, I am extrem...Read on
Kris Kutch

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Bought a super cool zip line kit

    I got this really cool zip line kit from this place and man, let me tell you, it was amazing! The ordering process was so easy, the service was excellent, the pricing was fair, and it came super fast. All in all, I'm a happy camper with my purchase!

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    Would buy here again

    Discontinued cable purchase

    I found the cable I needed at this store, and it was a real lifesaver for my repair project. I just wish they had a more affordable shipping option because it would have been great to save some money.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick delivery and quality product

    The product I ordered showed up quickly and was really nice. It came in good packaging and got here when they said it would. I'm happy with how everything went and don't have any problems with this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Toyota parts for 1988 Land Cruiser and 1991 Hiace

    I've been a customer for over 5 years and have bought Toyota parts for my 1988 Land Cruiser and 1991 Hiace multiple times from this company. They always communicate really well, which helps me find parts that are hard to find around here. Plus, their prices are usually lower than other places. I definitely recommend this company and will keep using their services in the future.

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