Persona Reviews

: 21

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86% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

30-day supply instead of 28
I just wanted to give you a heads up about an upcoming payment that is due soon. Just a friendly ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Wasted time
You might as well forget about sending an email to cancel because you won't hear back from t...Read on
N. Kautzer

Review with most votes

Must be a part of Persona
Almost three to four decades before Supplements were not introduced to common people .Some of Ayu...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Multivitamin purchase with iodine

    Hey, so I picked up a multivitamin that had iodine, thinking it was a good idea, but who knew it doesn't mix well with Graves' disease. Now I'm in a whole mess trying to cancel my subscription and stop the charges. It's really frustrating and just a pain to deal with, you know?

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    Would buy here again

    Prepackaged vitamins and supplements

    This company has a great team of experts who really know their stuff. They were able to answer all of my questions and provide me with the best options for my needs. I love the convenience of the prepackaged vitamins and supplements. I don't have to worry about what to take and when, just grab and go! Thanks to their products, I've been feeling a lot better lately.

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