Planet Beauty Reviews

: 23

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87% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Helpful store manager, online
I had such a good experience at this store! There's this store manager named Ashley who real...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Redken AllSoft Shampoo and Con
I recently bought some Redken AllSoft Shampoo and Conditioner liter bottles from this supplier on...Read on
Merlin Little

Review with most votes

Customer service
Oh my happiness. I emailed customer service to inquire about a added feature to my order. So easy...Read on
Gail Kucher

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Non-leaking and full product

    I recently ordered something from another company, but when it arrived, it was only half full because of some dumb policy they had. Luckily, Planet Beauty sent me a full, undamaged product. I really appreciate that they took the time to package everything correctly and make sure it got to me safely.

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    Would buy here again

    Skincare purchase

    Hey, let me cut to the chase. I bought some skincare stuff from this store recently and man, the product was amazing. It was top-notch quality, no doubt about it. But the whole ordering process was a pain. I had to deal with all these annoying pop-up ads just to get to the checkout. Can't we just skip the ads and get right to the good stuff?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Free gift offer and 20% off sign-up deal

    I ordered online because of the free gift offer and 20% discount when signing up, but I ran into some issues. The link for the free gift wasn't working, and I was bummed to find out that the 20% off had some hidden conditions that weren't clearly spelled out. The prices seem to be in line with what other stores are offering.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Customer service

    Oh my happiness. I emailed customer service to inquire about a added feature to my order. So easy, fast and were able to grant my wish and go the extra mile. I haven't had such a great online experience, i can't remember. Was so great, very happy, now you have a forever customer . Veronica L. 5 ☆'s.

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