Sabina Reviews

: 21

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Eau de toilette purchase
I had a really easy time ordering from this website. The delivery came right on time, I got my pr...Read on

Review with most votes

Quality, Convenience, and Care
I have been using the products of Sabina for a few months now and I must say, I am thoroughly imp...Read on
Edward Kulas

Reviews (21)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Perfume order

    I was super happy with my order from Sabina! It arrived in just 8 days all the way to Poland. Everything I ordered was included, and they even added in some extra goodies! The only downside was that the box was closed with a flimsy sticker that fell off during shipping, but thankfully nothing was lost. Sabina, could you consider using plastic mailing bags for the next order?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Birthday gift

    The perfume I ordered was exactly what I was looking for and the price was awesome. Only downside was the shipping situation. I shelled out $19 to make sure it arrived by August 18th, in time for my daughter's birthday on the 20th, but it didn't show up until the 21st. Not a huge delay, but it did put a damper on the surprise.

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