All reviews of J. Shanahan
Review about: SMOKO
10 motives replacement
I used to use 10 motives but their business started going downhill, so I decided to try out some other options. That's when I came across SMOKO. I was really impressed by how good their product was. The original flavor tasted great, the battery lasted longer than I thought, and their customer service was really great. I would definitely suggest SMOKO to anyone looking for a dependable e-cigarette brand.
Review about: Fi Collar
Life-saving collar
I have this small dog that I absolutely love, and one day he disappeared. I was so worried and searched everywhere for him but couldn't find him. After that scary experience, I decided to get a special collar that can track his whereabouts. Let me tell you, it was the best choice I ever made! It helped me locate him fast the next time he went missing.
Review about: Enjoy Travel
Quick response from customer service
I was so happy with how fast Enjoy Travel's customer service got back to me. Natalia replied to my email super quickly, right after I sent it, and it was such a relief. Waiting around for hours or days for a response to a question or issue can be frustrating, so Natalia's quick reply really made my day. I felt like a really important customer with that kind of promptness. Thank you!