Brightside Reviews

: 23

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13% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Virtual doctor's appointm
I don't understand why some folks are leaving bad reviews about this place because it has se...Read on
Katharina Hintz

Most relevant negative review

Unreliable services
I joined this company hoping they could help with my mental health, but it turned out to be a big...Read on

Review with most votes

Therapy Session
My time at Brightside was a real letdown. I felt like they totally took advantage of me, charging...Read on
M. Kris

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Therapist 5 stars, Nurse Practitioners 1 star

    Man, let me tell you about my therapist at that place - they were seriously sent from above, like an angel. They really got me through some super tough times. But then there were the nurse practitioners, ugh. They just didn't seem to have a clue, especially when it came to dealing with ADHD. I remember one time I asked them for help and they totally gave me the wrong answer. And don't even get me started on the meds they had me on, it was rough. They made me feel awful, like I was stuck in a deep, dark pit. When I told them it wasn't working for me, they just brushed it off like it was no biggie. Like seriously, why even give me something that you know is terrible for most people? And on top of all that, my nurse practitioner kept changing so often that I never got the right meds I needed to actually start feeling better.

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    Would buy here again

    Back payment invoiced

    I can't believe it, Brightside just went ahead and sent me this invoice for back payment out of nowhere! Can you believe that? It totally messed up my plans to pay rent on time. And on top of that, no one at customer service even bothers to pick up the darn phone. I was beyond upset, honestly. Save yourself the trouble and steer clear of that place!

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    Would buy here again

    Therapy appointment

    I had an appointment with a therapist at this place not long ago, talking about my struggles with depression and trauma related to my adult kids. But then, out of the blue during our last chat, they dropped a bomb on me - said their "team" decided my depression was too severe for them to keep helping me. Man, that hit me hard. And to make things worse, they told me this on a Friday night! The therapist mentioned a few other places I could try, but honestly, I was feeling so fragile, I needed support now, not days later. It's pretty messed up that they would make such a heartless call that could seriously mess up people already in a tough spot.

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    Would buy here again

    Waste of money

    I spent 95 dollars on something I didn't even want, and now they won't give me a refund! I tried to schedule an appointment, but their customer service is so incompetent, they couldn't even assist me. I had to cancel everything because they wouldn't accommodate my schedule. Now I'm going to pester them with emails until I get my money back. Why do they have to make this process so challenging?

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    Would buy here again

    Dental work

    I gotta be straight with you, this place is a total scam. I went in for some dental work and they hit me with a crazy bill that my insurance barely covered. Ended up shelling out almost $1600 in less than 2 months for just a basic dental job. The work was shoddy, the staff was super rude, and the whole thing was a disaster. Don't waste your cash here, find yourself a better dentist.

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    Would buy here again

    Therapy Session

    My time at Brightside was a real letdown. I felt like they totally took advantage of me, charging for stuff I never even got. The customer service was a joke - took forever to hear back from them. And don't even get me started on the therapist. They cursed like a sailor and didn't seem all there mentally. I'm definitely not going back there, and I'd tell others to stay far away too.

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    Would buy here again

    Prescription medication purchase

    I recently bought prescription meds from Brightside and I gotta say, I wouldn't recommend their services to anyone. They really let me down when I needed help the most. It's obvious they don't care about their customers. I suggest folks steer clear of them to save both their money and mental health. The bad reviews out there back up my own bad experience with Brightside. If you need support, I recommend checking out local resources that are more trustworthy and actually care about helping you out.

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    Would buy here again

    Online appointment with physician for prescription transfer

    My recent online appointment with a doctor was a total disaster. I asked them to send my prescription to the pharmacy, but it never happened. I've tried reaching out to Brightside Health several times for help, but I haven't gotten any yet. It's been super frustrating and a waste of my time dealing with this lack of communication and follow-through.

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    Would buy here again

    Counselor appointment

    My experience with this company was just awful. I scheduled a counselor appointment and got paired with someone who really couldn't help me much beyond just listening. It was such a waste of time and money. I wouldn't suggest using this service unless you're just looking for someone random to chat with late at night, without any actual support or advice.

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