BuySubscriptions Reviews

: 21

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67% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Subscription purchase
I got my first magazine from my subscription really quickly, just a day after it came out. I thin...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Difficulty canceling subscript
I've been having a really frustrating time trying to cancel my subscription. No matter how m...Read on
Annamae Kozey

Review with most votes

Convenient, Secure, and Custom
As a client of BuySubscriptions, I have had a fantastic experience using their services. Their we...Read on
Jarrett Walsh

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Money issue

    I'm so frustrated because they still haven't given me back my money even though I canceled my subscription. Their customer service is just awful and totally dishonest. Save your money and go somewhere else!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription with promised gifts

    I just got a subscription that was supposed to come with three free gifts, right? But guess what? When I got the package, no gifts! So, I called customer service and asked what was up. They gave me this whole explanation that made no sense about why I didn't qualify for the gifts. I felt pretty frustrated and let down. It felt like they were just advertising false stuff to get people to buy. Needless to say, I won't be using this company again.

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