Creation Crate Reviews

: 22

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82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Arduino Project Kit
I recently bought this Arduino Project kit and was super pumped to dive into it and really get in...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Coding kit
I recently got this awesome coding kit, and it's been a blast creating things with it. Howev...Read on
C. Goodwin

Review with most votes

DIY Electronics Kit
I found this cool DIY electronics kit on social media and thought I'd give it a shot. I'...Read on
D. Howe

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Subscription box

    I was super excited to get my subscription box from this company because I heard such good things about their stuff. But man, was I bummed when I saw that I got charged for more than one box when I only wanted one. The customer service peeps were cool and fixed it, but they should've been clearer from the start. Anyway, I still liked what was in the box and thought it was a fun and educational project.

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    Would buy here again

    Defective product, slow response time

    I was so pumped to get this cool project from the company, thinking it would be a dope gift for my kiddo. But man, oh man, our excitement quickly turned to frustration when we realized a key piece was missing. My little one was trying to put it all together and couldn't because that spacer was nowhere to be found. I get that mistakes happen, but what really got me bummed out was how the company didn't even bother to hit me back. I shot them a bunch of emails, but it's been crickets on their end for days now. This slow response time ain't cutting it, especially when we're on a tight schedule to finish this thing. I dig the idea behind this crate, but the lack of communication and slow problem-solving have definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

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    Would buy here again

    DIY Electronics Kit

    I found this cool DIY electronics kit on social media and thought I'd give it a shot. I've been wanting to learn about electronics for a while now, so I went for it and got the whole 18 project kit. Right now, I'm on my third project and it's been pretty fun and interesting. But, I did notice that the tutorial site looks kinda old compared to the fancy sales site. It's not a big deal, but it does make learning a little less fun.

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