Dublin Pass Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Dublin sightseeing pass
The Dublin sightseeing pass is a great deal for checking out the city. It's a convenient and...Read on
R. Reinger

Most relevant negative review

Made a big oopsie
So, I purchased these passes and then everything went crazy with the pandemic, now I can't e...Read on

Review with most votes

This is so good, i was planning to visits Dublin and few months back i did . Well Th Dublin pas...Read on
Wilbert Moran

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Dublin Pass in low season

    Our experience with the Dublin Pass in December was really good. It worked well, letting us see lots of attractions without waiting in line for a long time. But, we realized that to get the most out of it, we needed to plan carefully, especially in the winter when places are open for shorter hours.

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    Would buy here again

    3 Day City Pass Purchase

    I just got the 3 Day City Pass for a quick trip in October, and let me tell you, it worked out great. With this pass, I could hit up all the spots I wanted to see in Dublin with no worries about getting tickets at each place. It was awesome to be able to explore the city at my own speed. I'm already thinking about going back to Dublin with my family, and you better believe we'll be getting this pass again!

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