hayu Reviews

: 23

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13% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Streaming playback issues
Even though I've had some good interactions with the customer service team, I gotta say I�...Read on
I. Greenholt

Most relevant negative review

Unauthorized recurring charges
I've been dealing with unauthorized recurring charges on my bank card for more than a year n...Read on

Review with most votes

A Review of the Reality TV Str
I am a long-time subscriber of Hayu, the streaming service that offers a wide variety of reality ...Read on
Danyka Glover

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Subscription issue

    So yeah, I had this subscription for ages, right? And then one day I couldn't watch any shows, but they were still charging me! So I tried reaching out through email, but all I got back was two really weird responses that didn't do squat. I'm telling you, it's like they didn't even bother reading what I wrote! After weeks of begging for help, I finally had to cancel my subscription because I was getting absolutely nowhere. Their customer service is seriously out of this world, man.

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    Would buy here again

    Streaming platform technical issues

    I had some trouble accessing content on the streaming platform the other day. Even though I wasn't using multiple devices like it said, the site kept telling me I couldn't watch the shows. When I reached out to customer service for help, they just gave me unhelpful advice and said the website was fine. I was really bummed out because that didn't fix the problem. This whole situation just confirmed the bad reviews I had seen before.

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    Would buy here again

    Annual subscription, lack of access, poor customer service

    This company is totally a scam. I thought it was a good idea to get a yearly subscription, but turns out I can't even log into my account. I've tried contacting customer service several times, but all I got back were a few useless replies. It's been more than a month now and I still can't use what I paid for. This is not cool at all, so I'm going to ask for my money back.

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    Would buy here again

    Constant buffering issues

    I can't believe I'm actually paying for this junk. The streaming service keeps buffering every 5 minutes, no matter what gadget I use. It's so annoying and I feel like I'm wasting my money on a service that can't even give me a reliable viewing experience. You need to get it together and fix this problem right away.

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    Would buy here again

    TV app issues

    I'm super frustrated with this TV app! I have to constantly reconnect it to my TV, and it hardly works at all! It's really getting on my nerves!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription issue

    I just bought a subscription but I'm having trouble logging in. I contacted customer service and they said they couldn't find my account. Even after showing them my receipt, I still can't access the service I paid for. Dealing with customer service has been really frustrating - they're not listening to me and they closed my case without fixing the issue. I feel like I'm getting ripped off and not getting what I paid for.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription charge issue

    I had a terrible experience with this subscription service. I actually canceled my subscription more than a year ago, but they kept charging me even after I tried to fix it several times. I sent an email to their "support" in April, but they were just plain bad at their job and made excuses instead of helping me out. They said they couldn't find my account, even though I got a confirmation that my subscription was canceled back in September. It's crazy that they can still have my credit card info but mysteriously can't locate my account. I eventually had to cancel my credit card to finally put a stop to the charges. This is just really shady and dishonest behavior on their part.

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    Would buy here again

    Unauthorized charge

    I am so mad right now about what's going on with this company. I don't even know who they are, and I definitely didn't sign up with them, but somehow they snuck in and took money from my account without asking me. And get this: they're using PayPal, a platform I never even messed with. How in the world did they pull that off? And on top of it all, I can't even visit their site to try and fix things because I don't have an account. This whole situation has me feeling beyond annoyed and ticked off.

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    Would buy here again

    streaming service subscription

    I bought a streaming service subscription and honestly, it was such a waste of money. The app just keeps crashing all the time, so I can't even finish watching an episode without it glitching. And what's worse is that I couldn't even access the episodes on any device I tried. It's so annoying that there's no customer service to help with any problems. I feel like this company is totally running a scam, so I wouldn't recommend throwing your money away on this service.

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