Lucky Orange Reviews

: 23

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Insightful customer experience
Setting up this tool was a breeze, and in just a few days, I noticed a big difference in how well...Read on

Review with most votes

An Affordable and User-Friendl
I have been using Lucky Orange for several months now and I am extremely impressed with the servi...Read on
Noemi Ledner

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Awesome help from Justin

    Justin was awesome! He helped me out really quickly and was super professional. He made everything so easy for me. I highly recommend him!

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    Would buy here again

    Onboarding call feedback

    The onboarding call with Lucky Orange was super easy. It only took 15 minutes, but it was really informative. They gave me all the important info I needed in a clear and concise way. They answered all my questions without any trouble. Overall, it was a great introduction to the software and I'm really enjoying using it!

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    Would buy here again

    Just got this cool new thing to check out my website visitors and stuff

    The folks at this place are really friendly and helpful. They totally helped me get everything set up and answered all my questions. The thing I bought is so cool, I can see where people are going on my website and everything. I'm definitely going to recommend them to my friends!

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    Would buy here again

    Session recordings and heatmaps

    I'm really impressed with all the stuff that Lucky Orange can do. I signed up for session recordings and heatmaps, but I'm also excited to check out the chat and funnels features. I did run into a few issues, but the support team was on top of it and got everything sorted out fast. Overall, I think it's a great service. Can't wait to use Lucky Orange to make the user experience even better.

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