Pixlr Reviews

: 25

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64% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online photo editing software
I've been using this online photo editing software for a while now, and I always found it su...Read on
J. Reynolds

Most relevant negative review

Pixlr Premium Annual Subscript
I was really looking forward to trying out Pixlr Premium, thinking it would be perfect for all my...Read on

Review with most votes

Subscription for unlimited sav
I was so excited to buy a subscription for unlimited saves on this awesome photo editing app. Thi...Read on

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Unlimited downloads subscription

    It seems pretty obvious that this company is using their super strict "no refund" policy in a sneaky way to make more money. It's kind of sneaky to count on customers forgetting to cancel as a way to cash in. Instead of being straight up and fair, they're choosing to slip through the cracks and make a profit off of their customers' mistakes. I was thinking about just downgrading my plan to save some cash, but after this, I'm definitely on the hunt for a new platform to use.

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    Would buy here again

    Free to Paid Subscription

    I used to really like this platform and I would go on it all the time for editing my photos. But, all of a sudden, they're asking for money to use some features that used to be free. It caught me off guard and I'm pretty bummed about it. Just yesterday, I could do everything without having to pay, but now they're limiting me to only saving my work two times unless I sign up for a subscription.

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    Would buy here again

    Limited savings frustration

    I've been using this editing platform for a while now, like since 2014 or maybe even earlier. The new save limits really got me feeling frustrated. It's supposed to be a free editor, but now they're only letting me save 2 times a day. It's practically pointless for editing now, especially if you have a ton of edits to make. So, I'm on the hunt for other options that let me save more easily.

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    Would buy here again

    Annual Subscription

    When I decided to subscribe for a year, I thought I'd get all the cool stuff Pixlr has to offer without any restrictions. But then, I found out that even after paying up, I could only get 3 freebies a day. That really put a damper on my ability to make the most of all the features Pixlr has. It was super annoying to run into this problem right after shelling out for the annual subscription. I was really hoping for a smooth and unlimited experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Anual subscription for image editing software

    I recently bought a yearly subscription for image editing software, thinking I'd get unlimited downloads and no ads for a whole year. But, after using it a few times, I realized I was limited to just three downloads per day. That was pretty annoying since it wasn't what I signed up for. I tried getting in touch with Pixlr's customer service for help, but at first, I didn't hear back from them. After not giving up, I finally got a response and a few people helped me figure out that the issue was actually with my payment, not Pixlr itself. Once we got that sorted, I was able to enjoy all the perks of my subscription without any problems. In the end, I was satisfied with how things turned out, even though there were a few bumps along the way.

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    Would buy here again

    Pixlr daily limit

    I've been using this app since 2020 and I was good with it at first, but now they're acting up. They suddenly gave us a daily limit and now I have to find another app for YouTube. Like, seriously? There are other free options out there that are not trying to be all greedy. I swear, in 2023 all these platforms are going to crash because they don't care about us. They don't even listen to us on Twitter, Discord, or Reddit. The Discord folks even changed their names to complain about this stupid daily limit mess. Come on Pixlr, listen to us for real. Give us something worth paying for, don't take away basic features like saving. Seriously!

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    Would buy here again

    Editing tool

    This editing tool is so frustrating! I was trying to save my projects, but it only lets me do 3 per day. And even when I try to redo my work after clearing my cookies, the quality turns out awful. I definitely wouldn't suggest using this tool, go for a different option instead.

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    Would buy here again

    AI interface, credits, new interface

    I've been using this platform for a while and it was great, but now the new AI interface is terrible. They give you credits to use the AI, but then it doesn't even work right. It's like, seriously, Pixlr? Maybe they're just trying it out, but they shouldn't give credits if it's not even working. They should let us pick which interface we want to use, but now we're stuck with this new one. I'm using it less now because of this.

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