PRO EDU Reviews

: 21

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76% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Bought tutorials
I recently ordered some tutorials and they've been really helpful! They may not be extensive...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Photo editing tutorials
This whole thing is a total scam, they promise stuff for photographers but all they give you is C...Read on
Joesph Turner

Review with most votes

Moderate experience with PRO E
I have had the opportunity to work with PRO EDU, a company that specializes in educational resour...Read on
Daisy Cormier

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation experience

    Canceling my subscription was a real hassle. The videos were good and everything, but when it came time to leave, it felt like breaking up with a friend who doesn't want to let go. I had to go through a bunch of steps and email support a bunch of times just to cancel. They even tried to sell me on staying by offering a "super low price" that was supposedly a one-time deal. I wasn't interested, thanks! Finally, I was able to cancel my subscription and get a refund, but it was a real struggle.

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    Would buy here again

    Educational platform purchase

    As a creative and entrepreneur, I'm always looking for good educational platforms to help me grow in the industry. PRO EDU really impressed me with their tutorials led by top professionals. The content was easy to follow and gave me a real insight into the industry. Plus, the community support they offer is great for continued learning. PRO EDU has really helped me overcome hurdles that would have taken me much longer to figure out on my own.

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