Trainer Academy Reviews

: 25

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

CSCS exam preparation
I used Trainer Academy to help me get ready for my CSCS exam, and I thought the material was real...Read on

Review with most votes

ACSM-GEI study materials
Trainer Academy really helped me get ready for my certification study after college. They had all...Read on
Alek Ebert

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    CSCS exam practice quizzes

    Taking the practice quizzes for the CSCS exam at this academy has really helped me out. They're super organized by subject, which makes it easy for me to focus on the areas I need to work on during my study sessions. The quizzes are just the right length, giving me enough practice without feeling like too much. Thanks to these resources, I feel a lot more ready and confident for the exam.

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    Would buy here again

    NSCA CPT study guide

    Oh my goodness, that study guide seriously saved me! It had all the stuff I needed to cram for my NSCA CPT exam. The cheat sheet was amazing, the quiz app was so useful, and the practice tests totally got me ready for the actual exam. Thanks to Trainer Academy, I even managed to pass with a good grade!

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    Would buy here again

    ACSM-GEI study materials

    Trainer Academy really helped me get ready for my certification study after college. They had all kinds of helpful tools like flash cards, study guides, and even practice quizzes. The only thing that was kind of a bummer was that they didn't have specific study guides for Group Exercise Instruction. But I found other resources to fill in the gaps. I'm super thankful to Trainer Academy for providing such detailed study materials that helped me pass my ACSM-GEI certification!

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    Would buy here again

    NASM Exam Study Guide

    This study guide really helped me out with my NASM exam preparation. It worked so well with the textbook, helping me understand the material and remember important information. Because of this guide, I aced my exam in only a few months of studying.

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    Would buy here again

    Exam preparation materials

    Trainer Academy really helped me get ready for my exam. With my background and experience, I needed study materials that covered everything and filled in any gaps. Trainer Academy did just that - the materials were well-organized, easy to understand, and covered all the important stuff. I felt fully prepared and confident going into my exam thanks to them. The resources were top-notch and so convenient.

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    Would buy here again

    Study materials upgrade

    The study materials I got were so helpful! They made studying way easier and helped me really understand the material. The practice tests were great too, and I felt super prepared when test day rolled around. It wasn't a walk in the park, but I managed to pass on my first attempt all thanks to Trainer Academy's materials.

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