Klook Reviews

: 21

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Family day trip
My family and I had a great time on our day trip! We went to a really cool place and it was total...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Komodo Trip booking
I would seriously recommend not using this platform. I recently tried to book a trip through them...Read on

Review with most votes

Great Place to visit
Singapore,Mandai Lack Road One of the finest Zoo of the world can be seen here It's very unfortun...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Amazing van ride

    Oh my gosh, I just had the most amazing van ride ever!! The driver was super friendly and the van was seriously so roomy and luxurious. I felt like a celebrity riding in it. If you're looking for a really cool experience, I highly recommend this van ride!

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    Would buy here again

    Easy booking process

    Booking on this website was so easy. I just typed in what I was looking for in the search box and boom! All the info I needed about the activity was right there. Being an older citizen who isn't great with tech, I was a little nervous at first, but I was able to figure out the website on my own.

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